Every year for the last 15+ years a group from the North Liberty United Methodist Church go camping at pulpit rock campground in Deborah, IA. This year the group was a bit smaller it size but very mighty. Campers this year: Doug, Alecia, Sam, and Jonathan; Jim and Debbie ; Beth and Charlie; Paul and Judy; Paul, Janet, and Zac; Josh, Jon, and Cara; Cody; Richard and Jen; John and Kristel
Lots happened on our trip so it will take me a few blogs to get through all the pictures and activities. Today we'll start out with the trip up and general camp shot.

Storm clouds as we get close to Decorah, later it would rain and rain a lot.

Roadtriping included windows down all the way up to Decroah. A very free feeling!

Getting out our new tent!


The group hanging and round and chatting.

Everyone pitches in to help get things put back together after some rain

Relaxing in lawnchairs is the way to go!

John master fire tender

enjoying a cool evening and a hot fire

the group's camp site (look towards the RV's)
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