Friday, November 25, 2011

Chopping down the (Cedar) Tree

John and I love to chop down our own Christmas tree. I am not talking about going to a tree farm here. I am talking about hunting down a fence row tree that was previously unloved and taking it home and making it our own. Its very rustic and country Christmas but it wouldn't be Christmas with out it. Tomorrow is the day when we will hunt down our tree. Here are a few pictures from last years hunt!

{Is this the tree?}

{John cutting down the tree from the fence}

 {1...2....3... PULL, its a family affair here!}

{Load her up and away we go!}

Happy Black Friday!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy (Turkey Free) Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
John and I hosted a great Vegetarian Thanksgiving that rocked any turkey thanksgiving out of the water.
The Menu (pictures and some recipes to follow)

Appetizer: Bread with dipping oil
Soup Course: Chipotle Sweet Potato
Main Course: Empanadas two ways
                      Macaroni Corn Casserole
Desert: Pumpkin Pie
            Mini Tofu Pudding Pies with Raspberry filling
Feliz dia de accion de gracias

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New era ?

Dear readers-
After over a year long hiatus I have decided to come back to blogging!
I'll do some catch up posts as to what you've missed along the way over the next few months.
For now some questions:
1. Should I change to a new name? (if so what?)
2. What should my focus be? (food, travel, daily life, etc)

I kind of want to go at this a little differently. I am interested in getting involved with foodbuzz and doing more food blogging and adding in our lives and adventure when it fits in (similar to a blogger to some of the bloggers I am huge fans of Daily Garnish and Espresso and Cream)

Please send lots of thoughts and ideas my way as I am looking towards a new era blogging.
Happy (day before) Thanksgiving!

PS As always this may not be set in stone and will require the permanence of it all to sink and see how it it sits after comments and trying it out. Sharing love will help :)