Thursday, March 4, 2010

garden 2010

Its that time of year, time to Garden! I have started many plants and thought I'd give you all a run down of what I have going on:
January 18th I started my first set of plants all herbs
February 26th I transplant the first set of herbs into bigger pots
John and I also built a light shelf green house type thing for the basement
February 28th I plant all my tomato, pepper, and flower (snapdragons, marigolds, zinnas, and petunia)
March 1st all the marigolds are up from my second planting, along with some zinnas and snap dragons. I saw my first tomato plants start to "pop" no peppers yet

I'm looking forward to all the fresh veggies!

above: getting the seedling trays ready is a very important first step!

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