I am sick, bleh. Which is why I haven't blogged much this week, but I can tell you about being sick. I know this will excite you oh so much!
So it turned out I started feeling crummy on Saturday and then got worse until Monday when I went to the doctor. She said just a virus you should be better by Wednesday call back if something changes. oh go i though so went home took come cough syrup and conked out. I woke up freezing and sweating humm not good. John came home took my temp and it was 103 degrees. So we called the dr's office and left a message for her for the next day. Tuesday she calls can you come back in I want to run a few tests. It turns out I have the flu. How I got it I don't know and how it is the flu is strange because its more like one of the worst colds you've ever had combined with a light non-puking flu. Anyways enough details on that. Because of our company's policies I have to know if its the H1N1 flu which my Dr was pretty sure it is.
So now John can't go to work because of me being sick and I can't go anywhere at all so I don't get anyone else sick. I'm starting to feel a bit better not but better and I'm really ready to be done w/ this and get back to life. I am having to miss the county fair because of this and its really nice outside and i want to be doing things!
Darn pigs, how does a vegietarian get the 'swine flu' anyways? :)
Dang it, you need to get better. I don't think I should deliver cookies, lest I get swine flu and can't go to work either. Maybe I could slip them in the mail slot. Do you have a mail slot? You have an interesting point: maybe it should be called "This is what you get when you don't eat swine" flu.
I do not have a mail slot; however maybe i can train Montgomery to fetch things...it could work as long as you bribe him with tomatoes.
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