All the rain and wonderful temps have really helped our garden grow quickly. As you can see below...

"potatoes" garden; i saw the first bloosom on one of the plants. These will be purple potatoes.

Other side of the potaotoe garden.

You can now see the baby green beans :)

My baby peppers, i'm watching you and waiting to eat you!

"grape" garden

Our grapes are growing quickly. I don't know what kind they are so if you know how to figure this out I could really use the help!

The fence garden.

Fence garden is growing well. The mulch is really working as I haven't spend more then 20 minutes since we planted pulling weeds.

I have 3 roma tomatoes that are getting pretty big

Cherry tomatoes are almost ready!

The cucumbers have blossoms that opened for the first time today (soon we'll be over run with cucumbers and I can't wait! If you like cucumbers and would like some aka you live close let me know and i'll put you on my list if we have to many veggies)

Lillys in full bloom

One of the the clematises

The first harvest this year from the garden (other then herbs) to heirloom radishes.
I'm so ready to start eating out of the garden!!
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