Well it only took me two months to post about our trip to Laneboro, sorry! I got sick with the flu right after and well you know.
We took a trip to Lanesboro, MN July 24th. My aunt and uncle reccommed it as a very nice town to camp with lots of things to do. We loved it! We cut the trip short to only one day due to the bad weather but are planning on going back this fall. Here our our pictures from our trip:
Stormy weather followed us the whole trip long

This was the 2nd, yes 2nd tree we ran across driving to MN. We later determined that we had three bad omens (when we woke up Montgomery was on his back, plus 2 down trees- what was Montgomery trying to tell us??) and maybe should have stayed home. Although we did have fun.

The town sign

After a long day of bad weather (we were both drenched at one point) and not being able to find a campground we stopped at the local 50's dinner for salad and coffee.

This was an amazing salad and inspired me create a similar version.

Main street Lanesboro

We ran across this great flower garden and grabbed a few shots before it started to pour again.

Great clouds on the way home!

This is corn, yes corn. They had sever hail damage so much that the fully grown corn was then about 3 ft tall- just nubbins.