Sunday, January 24, 2010

school vs work

Isn't it always true that you want the things that you can't have or you think something is better then it really is? I'm in a very new stage of life this month and its causing lots of questions of which is "better" both school and work have pros and cons of which I'd like to examin.
Get to spend all day learning things
Everyday is challenging (sometimes to challenging)
Really if you just didn't want to go who is going to stop you?
You get to run around doing different things and decide when you want to get your stuff done

Once you leave for the day that is it- it doesn't really "follow" you home
You make money and can use that money for lots of things
Your days are fairly regular and standard- not to many suprises
You know what to expect when you head into the office  (most days)
You know when you have work and when you don't- planning your life around its pretty easy

Work Cons
You always have to show up- no skipping
the work can be dry and tedious (depending on the job)
some offices are like a little "high school"--gosssip, rumors, etc

School Cons
Homework and tests (they follow you 24/7)
Its expensive and you aren't making  money while you do it
Its stressful

Just somethings I need to remember to keep prospective as I'm in my transition year (sort of).
Anyone have anything to add to the list?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Tonight I'm going to have to keep it pretty short and sweet. I started classes on Tuesday and have been inundated with homework. 3 out of my 4 classes are in Spanish making what seems like "light reading" take me a few hours. Alas, I'm getting my Spanish groove back. When spured me to write tonight was two fold. I wanted to make note that I started growing some herbs for my **summer** garden. Hopefully they will be sprouting by next weekend. Secondly the title of today entry- poetry. I'm basically taking two poetry classes this semester- one is creative writing the other is straight out poetry. In my "poetry" class I was asked to write a paragraph about my favorite poem. This made me realize- I don't have one while I enjoy poetry I've never really spent much time or know to much about. I guess I'll be learning now! For class I am going to get to attend my first poetry slam. What I need for all of you is a bit of help to do my homework...dear readers tell me what is your favorite poem and why? Hopefully you can inspire me and help me discover my favorite one :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

No regrets (if I can help it)

When I look back at my life I want to say that I do not have any regret for things I should/should not have done. However, I have plenty from elementary school to now , I regret not taking opportunity or missing out on things because maybe I was scared.
One major thing that I regret is that I didn't truly listen to myself when I decided what I wanted to do in "life after college" I listened to my parents tell me you can't do this you can't do that and ruled out things that I knew I loved.
So now I'm taking myself back, back to school to get another degree to change where I'm going in my life. I'm going back to school to get another bachelor's degree in Spanish...and boy am I nervous about it. I'm in such a different place in my life when I was when I went off to college many moons ago but I've learned so much. (It seems) Like it has been such a long time since I've done the "school thing" that I'm worried about how I'll do. I could use all your kind words and thoughts as I embark on a big exciting life changing adventure!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Iowa State Basketball

Here is a bit of video I took Saturday at the game. I love the ending :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Jenny!



(some of) the reasons why Jenny is so awesome:
1. She is fun to be around and hang out with
2. She is crafty and creative
3. She is plain amazing
4. She has a great air mattress
5. She is positive and friendly

To a amazing friend who's been there when ever I needed her through good and bad, Happy Birthday Jenny! I hope your 26th year is spectacular! Love you lots!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Double header for Alumni Band

John and I went to Ames today for a basketball game double header. It was a lot of fun to get to play with the band again and be that close to the action! (not to mention getting to spend time with friends!!)

Pep band is a lot of fun and we'll have to make sure to do it again next year!