Friday, March 27, 2009

Alambama Vaction (so far)

As a write this morning we are in cheaha state park outside of birmingham, AL. What a crazy 2 days we've had so far.
We started off Monday night heading to Mt. Venon, IL. Everything was rolling along great untill about 50 miles away from our hotel. I was driving the last leg of the night and as i'm driving along suddenly I see the car next to me slam on their breaks and then I see why. There are deer in the road that have just wandered onto it. HOLY SHIT BATMAN! I luckly reacted quickly and have a wonderful car. I stopped with in 1/2 inch of the deer. Also the cars behind me noticed quick enough and stopped as well. No harm done to anything at all. Except I was scard so much I was shaking and John had to drive the rest of the way.

When we awoke in Mt Vernon we where suprised to find spring in full force. Blooming trees, green grass, and it smeelled amazing. We left for the day after catching a wet geocache and headed on our way. We had a wonderful drive throught Kentucky and decided to drive through the land between the lakes. It was beautiful. They have wild dafioldis that are so pretty.

Alas, at about 6pm (and about 15 miles of climbing a winding mountain road) we arrived at the park. We headed up to the campground and something that horrified us. The campsites where uneven and gravely. There was no place to pitch out tent. After driving around the park a bit more we decided we are 20 miles from the nearest town and its suppose to rain for the next 3 days here...we are going to head back north into Tennessee. Which brings me to now- its raining and we are in the hotel atop mt cheah. Its time for me to go as we need to get going...the adventures of John and Kristel are crazy but we'll always find a way to make it work.

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